My Spooky Spiderweb Wall Hanging Quilt
Pic of the work in progress: my black nail polish was also very fitting the theme! Hi! My name is Julia and this is my way too much neglected blog. I wonder, would this be the turning point? Maybe. Or maybe not. But I love to share my love for quilting and creating with the world, so here I am. I love Halloween. Even though I live in Italy and this is not originally part of my tradition, it's still something I feel deeply connected to. I guess it has something to do with my year as an exchange student in Vermont: I lived Halloween for real, on my own skin, even partecipating to an Halloween musical in the woods at night with a path of carved and glowing pumpkins so something sticked with me. I've seen quite a lot Hexagon Halloween quilts all over the web and I gave a look to some tutorials. It did seem like a pretty cool project but everything was way too colorful for me this time (THIS TIME: I love colors! The brightest the better) so I fixed my mind on a black and whit...